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Our Purpose...

             To worship God,

                       make disciples,

                                 equip the believer,

                                                and minister to others.


Bethel Missionary Church's purpose is to worship God, make disciples, equip the believer, and minister to the needs of others. Providing a place where people can come together united in Christ and worship God. 


We are focused on bringing the Gospel of Christ to those around the world and around the corner. Proclaiming the message of salvation and redemption through the work of Christ on the cross. We strive to fulfill the Great Commission by helping people: "connect" with Jesus, "grow" in their relationship with Jesus, and serve and tell others about Jesus as we "go." 


We provide an environment for believers to grow and build a personal relationship with God through Bible studies and small groups.

We strive to meet the needs of people in our community through: clothing drives, food trucks, and an emergency food pantry. Through these and other means we try to meet the needs of people as Christ did and taught.



We believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- who is the creator and sustainer of all things (Deuteronomy 6:4-5; 1 Timothy 2:5).


Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus is God incarnate, yet human. He lived a sinless life, was born of a virgin, died on the cross for all of mankind’s sins, was bodily resurrected and ascended to the right hand of the Father. (John 1:1, 14; Titus 2:11-14)


Holy Spirit

We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to convict, sanctify, teach, guide comfort, and empower Christians to live a godly life. (John 16:7,8,12-15)



We Believe the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God and thus authoritative in all matters it addresses. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21)



We Believe that salvation is found only in Jesus Christ. All can be forgiven through genuine repentance and faith in Christ. (Titus 3:5; 1Peter 1:3-5)


Baptism and Communion

We believe the Christian ordinances are two : baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We believe they are outward rites appointed by Christ to be administered, not as a means of salvation, but as a visible sign and seal of its reality. (Acts 8:36; 1 Corinthians 11:24-34)


The Church

We believe the church is composed of all believers in Jesus who are united by faith in Christ, who is it’s living Head. The primary purpose of the church is to glorify God and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ until His return. (Matthew 16:18; Hebrews 12:22-24)


Prayer-We are committed to lives and ministries that are characterized; guided and empowered by fervent prayer. (1Thesolonians 5:16-18, Philippians 4:6-7, 2 Chronicles 7:14)


Lives of Personal Holiness-We are committed to living lives centered on and in the characteristics of God. (Matthew 3:11, Romans 12:1-2, Galatians 5, Leviticus 11:44a)


Evangelism and outreach-We are committed to extending God’s love and hope though the message of salvation to all people that Bethel can reach. (John 3:16, Acts 1:8)


Worship-We are committed to a life of worship that is God centered, Spirit led, and heartfelt. (Hebrews 13:15, John 4:23-24)


Biblical Teaching and Discipleship-We are committed to building our ministry on Biblical principles and helping people faithfully follow Christ, by teaching the word to equip and encourage believers for life and ministry. (Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Matthew 28:18-20)


Spiritual Gifts-We are committed to help people discover and faithfully serve the Lord with their talents and Spiritual gifts. (Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, Ephesians 4:11-13)


Missions-We are committed to promoting, developing and mobilizing outreach at home and around the world to reach the lost for Christ. (Matthew 27:18-20, Acts 1:8)


Strong Families and Marriages-We are committed to preserving and strengthening marriages and families as God-ordained institutions. (Genesis 2:23, Psalm 127 & 128, Matthew 19:1-10, Ephesians 5:22-33, Hebrews 13:4)

What we Belive
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