Pray for Our Local Communities
Yale Officials
Scott Gill, Mayor
Ashley Aldea, City Clerk
Paul Williams, Treasurer
Brenda Krzak, Council Member
Pat Robbins, Council Member
Anthony Hackett, Council Member
Sherri Knecht, Council Member
Jeff Meharg, Council Member
Karen Schneck, Council Member
John Osborn, City Manager
Thomas Schlicting, Assessor
Shannon Preister, Utility Biller
Croswell Officials
Mike McMillan, Mayor
Samuel Moore, City Administrator/Zoning
Rob Butler, Mayor Pro-Tem
John Geiger, Council
Mary Willis, Council
Donald Maury, Council
Sue Dobson, Clerk/Cemetery
Susan Vallee, Treasurer
Dave Hall, Police Chief
Mark Vincent, DPW/Cemetery
Tim Niggemeyer, EMS Director
Steve Bales, Fire Chief
John Peck, Electric/Water
Barbara Cutcher, Assessor
Peck Officials
John Cook, President
James Barron, Council
Jean Burns, Council, Zoning
Richard Huntington, Council
Bernice Williams, Clerk
Sheryl Ernst, Treasurer
Anthony Sykora, Attorney
Lilia Cook, Assessor
Richard Woodruff, Police Chief
Larry Cook, Public works
Marvin Longuski, Streets
Lowell Kussrow, Parks
Jackie Woodruff, Public Info
Pray for our many small businesses as they struggle though the uncertainties of this time.
Pray for our churches as they strive to find creative ways to meet and reach the lost. Pray they are a beacon of hope in this time.
St. Clair County has seen a total of 342 cases of the coronavirus and 22 deaths and Sanilac County has seen 38 cases with 5 deaths. Though we can be thankful that is is not as bad as other areas continue to pray for those that are suffering and their families.